Monday, April 14, 2008

Exam week

This week in our college is the Exam weeks... for some it would be their ceremony of graduates and for some, it would be ceremony of funeral as some lecturer told me before. He told me that because he is going to set a hard question for the exam because some student is just too irritating and some too lazy. Haha, becareful with that.

Some will spend their time in library to study this whole week. In library or not, i think most student will be studying hard for their exam. I am lucky this semester not to go through exam anymore because i have only final projects to do this semester. But, i have went through 7 semester of exam before this semester. Lol. Some, i did bad and some i did quite okay. But, for conclusion, i am only an average student. Haha. For all the exam that i had already passed, course that i had already taken and things that happened in college life, all this can only become a memory now as i am going to end my diploma. Thanks all.

Good Luck all to those taking exams.


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