I still freshly remember the day (13/11/2008), the day that I came back to Penang. I still remember every single things that happened that day. I mean, How could i forget, it's like the most relieved or happiest day of my whole life. The feeling of finally, I am getting back to home. Some might know what it feels like, but very few people might understand. This time, I will be leaving for around 1 year, maybe will come back at the year end. But, it is largely undecided. One of the main reason it is undecided is because I have had plan to work at Australia to work for few years before i come back to work. But due to the strict application of PR in Aussie, I maybe need to stayback for few years before i come back to my hometown again. That's the saddest part, one step forward two step backwards. So, I just have live as it goes.
There are few things that I will sorely missed when I leave this thursday. The first is of course my family. There aren't any thing more important than them. But i know they can accept my departure from them for a period of time, as they have encountered it before as well, but that time was shorter time period. I have already tried my best to do and keep everything nicely for them before i am leaving. So, I hope they can do it without me. Thanks family for everything and even thanks for providing me such a fun summer holiday this year. We have went to many places together in this holiday, Genting, Hatyai, Hong Kong, and many more places. Thanks. I will also missed my aunt as I will be leaving in a period where she need everyone to support her after gone through all this hard times.
Another I would like to thanks and also, which i will missed is of course, my friends. They have been with me thick and thin when in the hard times and also good times. Well, that's what friends suppose to mean. I really enjoyed all of your company this holiday, if not i won't be having so much fun. Sadly thou, still, every starting will have its ending. I have really met alot of friends this holiday, as most of my friends came back to celebrate Chinese New Year this year. Keep in touch ya. Bu, Ping, Jim, Khoon, still remember our trip to Lost World?.. I will remember it for long time, and also times we have shared together.. Some beautiful memories will also being spared in my brain. So, don't "controversy" too much when i left, you don't have director to lead the movie after that. LOL. And for god-bro(although he doesn't know i blogged), thank you too for sharing so much with me after coming back from Indonesia. And for other good friend, all the best. Meet you all soon.
And so, I have finally come to this stage. The final person i would like to thank and will be deeply missed is of course my love interest. Oh yea, it is still love interest, not girl friend. Due to the fact that I will be leaving, I can't be a self-fish person. Although we are not in any relationships yet, i have already considered you one in my heart. We are still best friend thou. I really enjoyed your company while you are in Penang, sometimes i just hoped that time will just stood still so that I won't be going back and you won't be going back as well. But, that is just merely some self-fish idea, although i am not one. For all the time that you spend with me, it will be the most beautiful memories for me. I will just hope that you will wait for me to come back. We will surely keep in contact, whether in traditional way or the modern way, who cares. Haha. I hope you really liked what i gave to you before your birthday and after valentines, although that is merely some sincerity from my heart. Hope you'd take care of yourself and be strong in everything. Do share things with me ya. Oh yea, remember our promise okay? You might be busy, but i will wait.
Well, that's few person that i will missed and now, things that i will missed is foods, transportation (car), warmth of home, GSC movie cinema and many more.
Well, i think i really need to get back to my sleep for awhile before i start to finish my unfinished business. I have found out that, enjoyable time will surely pass very fast, but hard times will also past but it will pass slowly. Slow or Fast isn't really important, as long as i can pass all of them, then i will consider myself getting another achievement in my life. And to not let down everyone in my life, i will surely succeed in my studies, life and many more things that will happen. I will try my best to not let people down anymore. And so, I will keep you guys updated with my situation real soon. I will come to this time where i really need to go... Haha... Hopefully all stays well and healthy. And last but not least, I WILL MISS ALL OF YOU.... thats for sure... Penang is still in my blood i wont be in there for long. BYE