Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wrong Spelling, different meaning...

As usual, when people were talking we need to listen about it, sometimes we can listen mistakenly and lead to a misunderstood. The same happens with writing, when you spell something wrongly, then it will lead to a different meanings. Haha, Interesting ? Of course I have an example for all to see... Lol.

This is an advertisement I saw in KL not long ago, look at the word where they spell wrongly, The word "Story". Haha. Interesting? Isn't ? I guess the developer are in the rush for people to move in or to buy the place till they forgotten what they have build their own, a 2 1/2 "story" house or 2 1/2 "Storey" house. Haha. So, beware when you are looking for houses, either you are looking for "story" house or "storey" house. Lol.

To the developer, no offense. To the people, beware. Haha.

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